This large and versatile room currently accommodates a maximum of 100 people (including event staff). The features of the hall include kitchen

facilities and a stage.

It is ideal for:

Larger workshops
Craft shows
Dinner theatre or Theatre rehearsals

Mac Hall is rented at $65/hour and has a contract administration fee of $65. All rental requests are subject to a 2-hour minimum. For more information, please contact the Community Services Coordinator at or at 613-237-5550 x 238.

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Select Times (uses 24-hour time):
Start: End:
(e.g. 09:30 for 9:30am / 21:00 for 9:00pm)
NOTE: 2 hour minimum on all bookings. Building closes at 23:00 (11:00 p.m.), so the latest end time is 22:30 (10:30 p.m.).
Rental time requested should include time for set-up and clean up.
If you are booking a time slot immediately following another group, a 30-minute gap between bookings is required for all meeting rooms and a 1-hour gap between bookings is required for Mac Hall. This is to prevent overlap and to allow the staff to touch up the rental space.

First Name (required):

Last Name (required):

Email (required):

Please ensure that your e-mail address is valid and spelled correctly.

Phone (required):

Booking type (required):

Check here to have our staff contact you for audio/visual rentals

Organization (required):

Address (required):

City (required):

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Province (if Canadian):

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Please note that while the calendar is updated frequently, there may be dates that change in availability if another booking is confirmed or cancelled. The rental coordinator will be able to provide the most up-to-date information on a given time slot, and will follow up with you as soon as possible (typically within one business day) to discuss your booking and payment details.


Please enjoy your experience at Bronson Centre, tell your friends, and come again!